Page 17.03 Wing Skins
Step 01: Cleco then
rivet the W-1201-L, W1202-L & W1203-L wing skins as shown in Figure 1 &
Figure 3.
11/15/15 |
Step 02: Insert the two
W-1216 hinge bracket assemblies, cleco then rivet to the main ribs as
called out in Figure 2. |
No Photo |
Step 03: Position the
W-1203B-L wing skin as shown in Figure 3. Insert the leading stiffening
flange into the cutouts in the wing ribs. Cleco then rivet the wing skin
as shown in Figure 4, Upper wing skin outboard.
Builder Note:
The wing tanks will modify the requirements for the installation of the
W-1201B-L and W-1202B-L
Alteration 06 Wing Tanks |
Page 17.03 Wing Skins